FOAM BAN® 4950
EMEA · America · Asia/Oceania
Product Details

Material Safety Data Sheet
92.2 kB

Technical Data Sheet
503 kB

Antifoams for Non-Aqueous Lubricants
2.28 MB

Industrial Fluids Additives
15.4 MB

FOAM BAN® Defoamers for Tank Side use in Aqueous Metalworking Fluids
342 kB
Foam minimization during the use of aqueous metalworking fluids (MWFs) is required to maintain effective lubrication, heat removal, and prevent overflow of sumps. For these reasons, MWF formulations commonly contain defoamers, which control the foam as it forms by disrupting the interfacial energies that stabilize the foam bubbles. Read the article published in the TLT November issue. The article was written by Stefanie Velez, Industrial Applications Manager, MÜNZING