EMEA · America
Product Details
MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is a dry antifoam effective in carbohydrate and protein process streams and can be blended into other dry powders to provide antifoaming action during reconstitution or used to prevent boil-over in microwave cooked foods. The recommended starting dosage for MAGRABAR® MD-3000 will vary with the application. MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is formulated with organic maltodextrin, organic vegetable oil and organic wax along with organic emulsifiers and silicon dioxide. There is no practical limitation on its use other than good manufacturing practices. The product is certified by QAI to meet the requirements of the USDA National Organic Program and has US/Canada and US/EU Equivalency. MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is nonGMO Project Verified. MAGRABAR® products do not contain any ingredients required to be labeled under the U.S. Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act or defined as substances or products causing allergies or intolerances in Annex Il of EU 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers or defined as a food allergen under B.01.010.1(1) of the Canadian Food and Drug Regulations. Refer to the Allergen Statement. MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal and is free from animal derived ingredients.
MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is certified Organic by Quality Assurance International (US-ORG-050). Compliance: US NOP, US/Canada Equivalency, US/EU Equivalency. EU organic import and EU distribution certified by control body DE-ÖKO-003.

Material Safety Data Sheet
83.9 kB

Technical Data Sheet
574 kB

Food Processing Additives
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MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is a dry antifoam effective in carbohydrate and protein process streams and can be blended into other dry powders to provide antifoaming action during reconstitution or used to prevent boil-over in microwave cooked foods. The recommended starting dosage for MAGRABAR® MD-3000 will vary with the application. MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is formulated with organic maltodextrin, organic vegetable oil and organic wax along with organic emulsifiers and silicon dioxide. There is no practical limitation on its use other than good manufacturing practices. The product is certified by QAI to meet the requirements of the USDA National Organic Program and has US/Canada and US/EU Equivalency. MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is nonGMO Project Verified. MAGRABAR® products do not contain any ingredients required to be labeled under the U.S. Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act or defined as substances or products causing allergies or intolerances in Annex Il of EU 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers or defined as a food allergen under B.01.010.1(1) of the Canadian Food and Drug Regulations. Refer to the Allergen Statement. MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal and is free from animal derived ingredients. MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is certified Organic by Quality Assurance International (US-ORG-050). Compliance: US NOP, US/Canada Equivalency, US/EU Equivalency. EU organic import and EU distribution certified by control body DE-ÖKO-003.
Product Group
- Defoamer
- Food Processing
Food Processing
Target Formulation
Physical condition
- Powder
- Vegetable Oil on Solid Support
Active / Solid content
- America
- Kosher
- Halal
- Organic Certified / US
- Organic Certified / EU
- Organic Certified / Canada
Free From
- Non-GMO
- Animal Origin free
- Silica free
- Silicone free
- Mineral Oil free
- Biocide free
Renewable Content
Suggested use
- Food Additive
- Processing Aid
MAGRABAR® MD-3500 is a food grade, dry antifoam for use in powdered drink mixes, instant noodles and other dry products. MAGRABAR® MD-3500 can be readily formulated into dry mixtures eliminating foaming during reconstitution with water or during cooking by the consumer or other end-user. The recommended starting dosage for MAGRABAR® MD-3500 will vary with the application. There is no practical limitation on its use other than good manufacturing practices. MAGRABAR® MD-3500 is formulated with maltodextrin, vegetable oil, food grade emulsifiers and silicon dioxide. It complies with the Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR 173.340, Defaming agents.
Product Group
- Defoamer
- Food Processing
Food Processing
Target Formulation
Physical condition
- Powder
- Vegetable Oil on Solid Support
Active / Solid content
- America
- Kosher
- Halal
Free From
- Animal Origin free
- Silicone free
- Mineral Oil free
- Biocide free
Renewable Content
Suggested use
- Processing Aid
MAGRABAR® MD-4925 is a dry antifoam suitable for clear whey protein isolate applications. MAGRABAR® MD-4925 is water soluble and does not add turbidity to protein beverages while providing effective and fast foam knockdown. MAGRABAR® MD-4925 enables products to be ready to consume in seconds, providing a better user experience. MAGRABAR® MD-4925 is formulated with identity preserved non-GMO vegetable oil, food grade emulsifiers and silicon dioxide on an identity preserved non-GMO maltodextrin carrier. There is no practical limitation on its use other than good manufacturing practices. The recommended starting dosage for MAGRABAR® MD-4925 will vary with the application. MAGRABAR® products do not contain any ingredients required to be labeled under the U.S. Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act or defined as substances or products causing allergies or intolerances in Annex lI of EU 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers or defined as a food allergen under B.01.010.1(1) of the Canadian Food and Drug Regulations. Refer to the Allergen Statement. MAGRABAR® MD-4925 may be suitably used as a food additive, is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal, free from animal derived ingredients and does not contain soy or polydimethylsiloxane.
Product Group
- Defoamer
- Food Processing
Food Processing
Target Formulation
Physical condition
- Powder
- Vegetable Oil on Solid Support
Active / Solid content
- America
- Kosher
- Halal
Free From
- Non-GMO
- Animal Origin free
- Silicone free
- Mineral Oil free
- Biocide free
Renewable Content
Suggested use
- Food Additive
- Processing Aid
MAGRABAR® MD-3500 IP is an identity preserved (IP), food grade, dry antifoam for use in powdered drink mixes, instant noodles and other dry products. MAGRABAR® MD-3500 IP can be readily formulated into dry mixtures eliminating foaming during reconstitution with water or during cooking by the consumer or other end-user. The recommended starting dosage for MAGRABAR® MD-3500 IP will vary with the application. There is no practical limitation on its use other than good manufacturing practices. MAGRABAR® MD-3500 IP is formulated with identity preserved (IP) maltodextrin, vegetable oil, food grade emulsifiers and silicon dioxide. It complies with the Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR 173.340, Defoaming agents. MAGRABAR® MD-3500 IP is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal, free from animal derived ingredients and does not contain soy or polydimethylsiloxane.
Product Group
- Defoamer
- Food Processing
Food Processing
Target Formulation
Physical condition
- Powder
- Vegetable Oil on Solid Support
Active / Solid content
- America
- Kosher
- Halal
Free From
- Non-GMO
- Animal Origin free
- Silicone free
- Mineral Oil free
- Biocide free
Renewable Content
Suggested use
- Processing Aid
MAGRABAR® MD-4965 is a dry powder antifoam that is highly effective at controlling foam in protein and carbohydrate applications. It was developed to be blended into other dry powders to provide foam control during reconstitution of protein beverages. All ingredients used in the manufacture of MAGRABAR® MD-4965 are either GRAS or listed in the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340 – Defoaming Agents. Contact your local MÜNZING representative for additional food safety and regulatory information for the desired country or region.
Product Group
- Defoamer
- Food Processing
Food Processing
Target Formulation
- Dry-mix
Physical condition
- Powder
- Vegetable Oil on Solid Support
Active / Solid content
- America
- Kosher
- Halal
Free From
- Mineral Oil free
- Animal Origin free
- Biocide free
- Non-GMO
- Silicone free
Renewable Content
> 98%
Suggested use
- Food Additive
- Processing Aid
MAGRABAR® MD-20-S FG is a food grade, dry antifoam for use in powdered products that foam when reconstituted. This product contains 20% dimethylpolysiloxane granulated with an edible powder. MAGRABAR® MD-20-S FG can be readily formulated into dry mixtures which will eliminate foaming when the mixture is reconstituted by the consumer or end-user. MAGRABAR® MD-20-S FG complies with the Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR 173.340. Dimethylpolysiloxane is limited to 10 ppm in food in its ready to eat state for most nonstandardized foods under this regulation. 50 ppm of MAGRABAR® MD-20-S FG contains slightly less than 10 ppm of dimethylpolysiloxane. Please refer to the Code of Federal Regulations for details on any limitations. MAGRABAR® MD-20-S FG is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal.
Product Group
- Defoamer
- Food Processing
Food Processing
Target Formulation
Physical condition
- Powder
- Silicone on Solid Support
Active / Solid content
- America
- Kosher
- Halal
Free From
- Animal Origin free
- Gluten free
- Mineral Oil free
- Biocide free
Renewable Content
Suggested use
- Processing Aid
Vegetable Oil based